Our Impact Last Year

Our impact last year

At Housing Matters, we believe quality housing is a human right.

Last year, the housing crisis continued to sweep across Bristol, with the most vulnerable people bearing the brunt of it.

Lots of people needed our long-term support because they were threatened with or experiencing homelessness. 

We’re proud that – in spite of a tough year – we prevented homelessness for/helped to rehouse 49% of them. 

Learn more about our work last year and the people we supported in our latest Impact Report.

Quote reads: "I want to say a big thank you to all for have done for me, all that you did for me. I will never forget it."
A pie chart with the caption "Outcomes for clients who needed long-term support as they were at crisis point." The pie chart shows that we prevented homelessness for/helped rehouse 49% of these clients. We improved housing conditions/rehousing prospects for 19%. We empowered 32% to take future action themselves or referred them to another specialist agency.
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